Kiddie Prep School Fee Information
Effective Date:  August 22, 2011
2 & 3 Year Olds NOT Potty Trained
(KPS provides the diapers and wipes)
$45.00 Daily (Minimum of 2 days)
$153.00 Weekly
(4-5 days/week)
$143.00 Weekly
(2nd child)
2 Year Olds Potty Trained $41.00 Daily (Minimum of 2 days)
$148.00 Weekly
(4-5 days/week)
3 & 4 & 5 Year Olds   $39.00 Daily (Minimum of 2 days)
$138.00 Weekly
(4-5 days/week)
Multiple Child Discounts
(The youngest child is counted
at the 1st child rate.)
2nd Child in Household $37 Daily (Min. of 2 days) & $132 Wkly (4-5 days/wk)
3rd Child in Household $35 Daily (Min. of 2 days) & $125 Wkly (4-5 days/wk)
Kindergarten Full day program
with daycare provided
$100.00 Weekly
School Age Summer and
School Vacation Days

(School Age is Kindergarten & above)
1st Child in Household $130 Wkly (4-5 days/wk) & $39 Daily (Min. of 2 days)
2nd Child in Household $125 Wkly (4-5 days/wk) & $37 Daily (Min. of 2 days)
School Age Fees
(School Year Only)
Before or After School 1st Child: $70 weekly & $14 daily
2nd Child: $65 weekly & $13 daily
Before and After School 1st Child: $75 weekly & $15 daily
2nd Child: $70 weekly & $14 daily
2-hour Delay Additional $1.00 per day
Half Days and Canceled Days Additional $10 per day
Hourly School Age Fees
(School Year Only)
  $7.50/hour with a minimum of 2 hours
per day when school is in session.
*  ANNUAL Registration/Curriculum Fee - $50.00
*  Late Pick-up Fee - $15 for the first 10 minutes past 6:00pm.  $1 in addition for every minute after 6:10pm.  
Upon the third late pick-up, this fee is increased to $25 for the first 10 minutes past 6:00pm.  $1 in addition for every minute after 6:10pm.
*  Vacation/Holding Fees - $25/week (Monday thru Friday) is available for 2 separate weeks per year (September 1 to August 31) for vacation and/or
illness purposes. Upon the 3rd week, full tuition will be charged.  
*  Returned Check Fee - $10.00
*  Kiddie Prep School accepts checks, money orders and online bill pay from your banking institution.   NO CASH PLEASE.
*  The annual registration fee is due every August. If your child registered after May 1st, this fee is waived until the following year.
*  Full-time students will be charged the full weekly tuition rate regardless of missing a partial week. (Short term illnesses included )
*  Full-time students are charged for the holidays that KPS is closed. 
     (New Year's Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day)
*  Kindergarten students are not charged for school holidays unless they are present for childcare.
*  Disenrollment Policy - Families are required to proved a two weeks notice upon disenrolling their child(ren). If a child is not able to attend for the
full two weeks, tuition will be  charged regardless.
*  During the summer months only, school age children are charged only for the days they attend.  Summer holidays are paid holidays and will be 
charged to students who regularly attend full-time.  School age children are NOT charged a holding fee when missing Monday thru Friday.
*  During the school year, school age children (including kindergarteners) are charged the weekly rate except when school is not is session.  For such
days, divide the weekly charges by 5. Then take that amount and multiply by the number of days attended. If school age children are present 
when school is not in session, they are charged the normal daily rate.
*  As always, it is our desire to serve you as best we can. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office.
"The USDA and the State of Indiana are equal opportunity providers and employers."
Indiana Department of Education, Division of School and Nutrition Programs
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