Kiddie Prep School is sponsored by the Grace Point Church
of the Nazarene and is governed by the Child Care Board of Directors and the Director of Kiddie Prep School. The Director is assisted by a competent staff of qualified and trained individuals dedicated to the care
of the children.
A biblically based educational childcare with quality trained staff that puts
children first and ministers to families.
Kiddie Prep School provides guidance for preschool children, regardless
of race, color, religion, or national origin. The atmosphere and objectives of
Kiddie Prep School
are distinctively Christian. Kiddie
Prep School recognizes that parents are responsible before God for the
instruction, training and discipline of their children. Kiddie Prep School seeks to assist each parent
in meeting their responsibility in a rapidly changing world by providing curriculum, resources and professional godly instruction.
1. We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative,
inerrant Word of God. (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:21)
2. We believe there is one God, eternally existent in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Genesis
1:1, Matthew 28:19, John 10:30)
3. We believe in the deity of Christ (John 10:33), His virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23, Luke 1:35), His
sinless life (Hebrews 4:15, Hebrews 7:26), His miracles (John 2:11), that He took our place in atoning for death (1 Corinthians
15:3, Ephesians 1:7, Hebrews 2:9), His resurrection (John 11:25, 1 Corinthians 15:4), His ascension to the right hand of God
(Mark 16:19), His personal return in power and glory (Acts 1:11, Revelation 19:11)
4. We believe in the absolute necessity of regeneration by the Holy Spirit for salvation because of the exceeding
sinfulness of human nature; and that we are justified on the single ground of faith in the shed blood of Christ and that only
by God’s grace and through faith alone we are saved. (John 3:16–19, John 5:24, Romans 3:23, Romans 5:8–9,
Ephesians 2:8–10, Titus 3:5)
5. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost—the saved to the resurrection of life, and
the lost to the resurrection of condemnation. (John 5:28–29)
6. We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 8:9, 1 Corinthians 12:12–13,
Galatians 3:26–28)
7. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life(Romans 8:13–14, 1 Corinthians 3:16,
1 Corinthians 6:19–20, Ephesians 4:30, Ephesians 5:18)
8. We
believe that a child’s primary role models and teachers are his or her parents (Genesis 2:24, Exodus 20:12, Deuteronomy 6:5-9, Ephesians
6:1-4). We further believe that the family as ordained by God and set forth in
Holy Scriptures consists of a father, mother and child(ren). Some schools are
choosing to incorporate a curriculum that expands this concept to include father, father and child(ren) or mother, mother
and child(ren). Kiddie
Prep School will not be teaching this.
In understanding child development, we look at Luke 2:52 “And Jesus
grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” How did Jesus
grow? Jesus grew in wisdom (cognitive/intellectual development). Jesus grew in stature (physical development). Jesus grew in
favor with men (social/emotional development). Jesus grew in favor with God (spiritual
development). In the child-centered preschool, education involves the whole child
and includes concerns for all the items mentioned in the above scripture, the child’s spiritual, physical, cognitive,
and social development. Instruction and assessment are organized around the child’s
needs, interests, and learning styles. The process of learning, rather than what
is learned, is emphasized. Recent research reveals that preschool children learn
best through active, hands-on teaching methods such as experimenting, exploring, discovering, trying out, and restructuring. Children develop at varying rates and the school needs to allow for these individual
differences. We will focus on improving children’s social development as
well as their cognitive development. Educators refer to this type of schooling
as developmentally appropriate practice, which is based upon knowledge of the typical development of children
within an age span(age appropriateness) as well as the uniqueness of the child (individual appropriateness).
Kiddie Prep School embraces the following principles and practices
of developmentally appropriate practice taken from this document: Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood
Programs (Bredekamp & Copple, 1997).
1. Wholeness of the child. Children are
whole persons in whom physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development are integrated.
Each area of development is important and affects every other area of development.
Note: KPS recognizes that each child has a spiritual dimension as well, and that this area needs to be addressed.
2. Active involvement. Children must be active
participants in their own learning. Manipulation of real, concrete, and relevant
materials contributes to children’s understanding.
3. Interaction with adults and peers. Learning
occurs when children interact with people in their environments. Interactions
with both adults and other children facilitate the mental manipulation and ownership of ideas.
4. Authentic experiences. Children learn best
from personally meaningful experiences that flow from the reality of their lives. When
school experiences reflect the reality of life beyond the school, learning is more purposeful and relevant.
5. Appropriate learning activities. Appropriate
learning activities include projects, learning centers, and such activities as building, drawing, writing, discussing, and
reading. Research exploration, discovery, and problem solving are examples of
recommended educational experience.
6. Integrated curriculum. Integrated thematic
units form the foundation for appropriate curriculum, enabling children to make connections among and between ideas and knowledge. .
7. Intrinsic motivation. Fostering intrinsic
motivation has the potential to support the development of responsible and autonomous learners, that is, learners who develop
a passion and love for a lifetime of learning.
8. Authentic assessment. Evaluation of children’s
progress should flow directly from the tasks and experiences in which they have been engaged.
There is a tremendous normal variability both among children of the same chronological
age and within an individual child. Children’s social skills, physical
skills, cognitive skills, and emotional adjustment are equally important areas of development, and each contributes to how
well children do in school. Within any group of children, one child may possess
advanced language and cognitive skills, but show poor social skills and emotional adjustment; another child may have advanced
social skills, be well adjusted emotionally, and have good physical skills, but have poor language skills. The precise time at which a child will achieve a certain level of development or acquire specific skills
is difficult to predict. Learning and development do not occur in rigid, uniform
ways. Childhood is not a race, it is a journey.
We need to remember that and give children adequate time to develop as thinkers, knowers, and problem solvers.
The aim of Kiddie
Prep School is to spiritually, socially/emotionally, and cognitively
prepare children and their families for the coming years of formal schooling. Children
will do the following:
Understand that God is a loving God
understand that Jesus
is God’s Son
know that Jesus wants
to initiate a personal relationship with each person
Understand that the Bible is a special book
understand that the
Bible is God’s Word
know that the Bible
is truth (stories that are fact, not fantasy)
comprehend that Bible
truths share character lessons
Use Prayer to express their thoughts and needs to God
understand that prayer
is talking to God
know they can request
His help to take care of them
know they can ask for
His help in being kind and thoughtful to others
understand that they
can ask God to forgive them and come into their hearts
Freely share about God, Jesus, and the Bible with others
talk about spiritual
things as “real”
speak spontaneously
about spiritual things
Have a desire to attend church
have a cultivated interest
in learning about God, which causes the desire
perceive the church
environment as welcoming and safe
Know God created the World
have enjoyed direct
experiences with nature
know that God wants
each person to care for the world
Enjoy the process of moving from curiosity to satisfaction in a project because
God delights in their work
take pride in their
own work
have positive attitudes
about involvement in projects
Value familial relationships and understand the importance of obeying parents
and teachers
Enjoy and initiate friendships with a variety of individuals
develop friendships
with those who may not be the same gender, race, or age, or have the same ability
benefit from the inclusiveness
of the emotional culture of the classroom, which celebrates the gifts and talents of all members
Begin to learn the art of sharing
share their own ideas
with friends and family
share toys or other
items with friends and family
Begin showing empathy and kindness
show empathy to family
express empathy to friends
Use language to express self, developing positive conflict resolution
express both positive
and negative emotions
observe teachers who
model and build to this end
Develop self-confidence in self-initiated activities
gain competence through
age-appropriate activities
have opportunities to
share their new skills with others
master new skills through
encouragement and direction from the teacher
Begin to exhibit self-control
begin to understand
and control their emotions
begin to act appropriately,
whether or not they are directly interacting with an adult
Are comfortable participating in group discussions
enjoy and participate
in child-to-child and child-to-adult interactions
communicate effectively
using their words
are able to attend to
other’s comments
Acquire and refine the fundamental movements of balance, movement, touch, and
enjoy rhythm and movement
explore these fundamental
movements through time, activities, and equipment that is made available to them
actively pursue gross
motor activity
Acquire and develop fine motor skills
become acquainted with
and have time to use the appropriate equipment and materials that aid in this development
Recognize that their body is created by God and takes special responsibility
to care for it
are introduced to health
and nutrition
make good food and activity
Are able to engage with others in learning activities, including the ability
to explore, create, experiment, observe, plan, analyze, reason, investigate, and question.
investigation as a result of carefully observing their surroundings
Enjoy creative expression
are encouraged to express
creativity within their own multiple intelligences and are provided the materials for this expression
are free to work with
mediums that uniquely express the creative element for process art
write songs and stories
use imagination in dramatic
center play
find creative solutions
to problems that arise during center play
Understand math vocabulary, concepts, and directed activities
have appropriate counting,
sorting, and comparing skills
work well with manipulatives
to achieve an appropriate transition into formal schooling
Language and Literacy:
Understand the importance and use of language in the environment
are able to participate
in receptive language activities using literature as the foundational tool
have a desire to look
at books with text and illustrations
engage in expressive
language experiences that foster growth in language proficiency
Have cultivated prewriting skills in the context of emergent literacy
are able to write their
own name and some alphabet letters
spontaneously choose
to use writing implements
understand that print
carries meaning
Are aware of different letter sounds
may begin to hear rhyming
sounds in prominent words
become phonemically
aware through classroom activities designed for that purpose
The aim of Kiddie
Prep School is to spiritually, socially/emotionally, physically, and
cognitively prepare children and their families for the coming years of formal schooling.
Parents will do the following:
Understand the importance of being the primary educator of their child and
of participating in the educational process. This is done by partnering with
the school in providing an enriched educational experience for their child.
Kiddie Prep School’s program is built on a sincere love for all children and a desire to help them develop
and adjust properly in our modern world. It is equipped and staffed to provide
the children of the community with the best possible learning environment. The
school compliments the values found in a home by enabling each child to spend part of their day in a world that is child size. It is planned so they learn to associate with other children their own age in group
addition, our purpose is to provide an atmosphere that is safe and conducive to good health where children can assemble, work,
and play together while being guided toward a happy, wholesome, and spiritual development.
In this environment we protect and nurture for the spiritual, mental, social, emotional, and physical development of
each child. The child’s activities are relevant to the progression of mind
and body. They will be introduced to the things of God and discover that God
is real and important. We endeavor to make certain that the hours a child spends
in training are not wasted, but productive.
training and discipline is handled with kindness and understanding, but with firmness.
Proverbs 12:1 says “Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid”. The use of corporal punishment is forbidden. Brief, supervised “time out” separation from the group may be used if necessary. Attention is given to the needs of each individual child, while at the same time the child is encouraged
to become a part of the group through group participation.
believe that it is the parent’s responsibility and authority to discipline as stated in Ephesians 6:1 “Children,
obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right”. A teacher stands in
loco parentis, that is in the parent’s stead. The basis for
all discipline is Christian love. Firmness and correcting in order to make better
are a part of that philosophy. According to Hebrews 12:11 “No discipline
seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who
have been trained by it”. To deny a child this by failing to correct them
is to fall short in true Christian love. Firmness minus love becomes harsh; whereas
love without firmness, we believe, develops a self-absorbed child.
If there is any known or suspected abuse or neglect by an adult of a child attending
Kiddie Prep School,
the staff is obligated by law to report the knowledge or suspicion to the appropriate state agency. The school may also undertake an inquiry prior to making a report to determine whether or not there are
sufficient grounds to require reporting. It is the school’s policy not
to contact parents in advance of making a report to legal authorities.
are always welcome. Observation in the classroom is encouraged.
enrollment fee is payable upon registering your child. This fee is non-refundable. This fee reserves a place in the school enrollment for a period of 30 days unless
special arrangements are made with the administration and covers the cost of processing the application.
is payable on Monday or Tuesday of each week. Failure to pay tuition fees for
two consecutive weeks will cause the child to be disenrolled. In addition, we
will be adding a $1.00 per day late fee, per child, for each day payment is late, through the date of disenrollment. Please make checks or money orders payable to Kiddie Prep School. Cash payments are not acceptable. A service charge is made
for any returned check.
payment plans which cover two weeks of tuition are acceptable, but must be made at least one week in advance, and must be
approved by the office.
will be charged according to the child’s normal daily or weekly charges, regardless of illness.
is a minimum attendance of two days for children enrolled on a part-time basis.
Year’s Day, Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day are paid holidays if your
child is enrolled as a full-time student.
vacation time, or other absences of no less than one week, you may reserve your child’s space in the school by making
prior arrangements with the office and paying a holding fee.
it is necessary to change your tuition charges for any week because of vacation, illness, or absence, it is the responsibility
of the parents to let the office know so that proper credit can be given.
Kiddie Prep School is open from 6:15a.m. until 6:00p.m. Monday through Friday. Children must
be picked up no later than 6:00p.m.
A late pick up fee of $15.00 for the first 10 minutes past 6:00p.m.
and $1.00 for each minute past 6:10p.m. will be charged. Upon the third late pick up, this fee is increased to $25.00 for the first 10 minutes past 6:00p.m. This late pick up fee is per child.
This covers our added cost for employee over-time wages when our teachers must remain past 6:00p.m. If a child is left at the school after 6:30p.m., 911 will be called. We strongly recommend that the children typically not be left longer than nine hours
a day. This seems to have an adverse effect on the children. Kiddie Prep School
is closed for the six major holidays, New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day,
and Christmas Day.
child shall receive a health examination by a physician prior to admission into Kiddie
Prep School. The child shall
be excluded if this requirement is not met.
physical examination shall indicate that there is freedom from communicable disease and that successful immunization against
diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, poliomyelitis, chicken pox, pneumonia, measles, mumps, and rubella have been given.
upon arrival, shall be observed for signs of illness. Children who are ill upon
arrival shall not be admitted.
a child becomes ill during the day, he/she will be isolated from the other children and the parent or guardian will be notified
and requested to take the child from the school as soon as possible. Children
may be isolated for the following reasons:
· Temperature of 100 degrees taken by axillary method
· Sore or inflamed throat
· Congested nasal passages
· Excessive coughing
· Any undiagnosed rash or skin condition
· Pediculosis (head lice)
· Scalp ringworm
· Headache, nausea
· Any other sign of illness until diagnosed
470 IAC 3-4.1-11 (State of Indiana) reads as follows: When a child is known to have been exposed to a communicable disease, he shall be
excluded from attendance at the day nursery for such time as is prescribed by the day nursery’s physician or the local
health officer. The day nursery will notify the parents of any significant occurrences
or problems or exposure to communicable disease.
a child returns to Kiddie Prep School
following an absence, the child will be examined for any condition which would hinder his/her participation in school activities.
· The giving or application of medication, providing dietary supplements,
making special variation of diet, and carrying out medical procedures, shall be done only on the written order or prescription
from a physician to the parents, or to the school with the knowledge of the parents.
· Medications prescribed for an individual child shall be kept in the
original container bearing the original pharmacy label showing the prescription number, date filled, physician’s name,
directions for use, and the child’s name. When no longer needed, medication
shall be returned to the parents or destroyed.
· Medications requiring refrigeration shall be stored in a zip lock baggie
in the medicine refrigerator.
· Parents are responsible to complete a “Medication Form”
in each classroom. The completed form should be given to the classroom teacher.
· The school will give the mid day dosage of medication only. The parents are responsible for any other times it is to be given.
If there are questions, please see the office.
must accompany the child into the building and to his/her classroom. Dropping
children off in the parking lot is unsafe and is in violation of State Regulations.
Parents are not permitted to leave the child outside the door of the school to await opening of the building at 6:15 a.m. Parents are to make sure
a staff member is aware of the child’s arrival and departure.
are to initial the “Sign-In Sheet” found in their child’s classroom when leaving their child in the morning,
and again when picking up their child at the end of the school day.
will be released only to parents or guardians or to those adults listed on the enrollment form. The office must have notice from the parent or guardian prior to pick up, if someone else has permission
to pick up the child.
dress the child in play clothes and rubber soled shoes for his/her comfort and safety.
Under no circumstances should a child attend barefooted. An extra set
of clothing is needed and should be left at the school for accidents, etc. All
clothing must be plainly marked with the child’s name. Children will be
playing outside, as weather permits, and need appropriate outer clothing. Dress
the child for the season. Kiddie
Prep School is not responsible for lost or stolen clothing.
Report contagious diseases to the office.
Parents are asked not to send toys to school
with the child. The school cannot be responsible for misuse or damage to the
A secondary insurance policy is carried on
each child while on the premises, covering accidents. Benefits may be viewed
upon request.
Send all messages in writing. This proves to be the most responsible way of communication from parent to office.
Parents are encouraged to have conferences
at any time with the teacher and or director. Other questions relative to the
operation of the school are welcome by the administration at any time. Parents
are invited to make suggestions that might help the school to better serve the individual needs of the child. Any complaint parents might have are to be made to the director.
We seek to be of service to those in our community, and wish to be advised of any unsatisfactory situations.
Refreshments may be brought for birthdays. These treats must be store purchased and brought in the original container. State regulations forbid the serving of any homemade foods.
Kiddie Prep School is not responsible for lost or stolen items that a child has brought
from home.
If your child’s regular teacher is absent
we will provide a substitute.
Breakfast will be offered to all children
present prior to 8:00 a.m. The
noon hot meal provides for at least one-third of the child’s nutrition
requirements. There will be a state approved morning and afternoon snack provided. Milk will always be given at noon
along with the hot lunch. Menus will be posted each week.
Rest or nap period will be observed every
afternoon for two hours with each child resting on an individual cot. Cots will
be provided, but parents are to provide an adequate “baby size” blanket for the child with the child’s name
on it. A stuffed animal and a small pillow may also be provided for nap time. The blanket and pillowcase should be taken home each Friday to be laundered.
Our entire staff has had a complete physical
examination, including a tuberculin test. In addition, our plan for exclusion
of ill employees further protects your child from contact with disease.
All children are to be at least two years
of age before entering the child care. For children who are potty trained, some
accidents are to be expected.
In case of an emergency situation either before
Kiddie Prep School opens for the day, or
during the normal hours of operation, Kiddie Prep School will contact the following radio stations:
WAJI 95.1, WBCL 90.3, WLAB 88.3, or WMEE 97.3.
If an intoxicated or impaired person insists
on removing a child from the care of Kiddie Prep
School, we will immediately report the incident to the local police agency.
All information pertaining to the admission,
health, family, or discharge of a child and each personnel record is confidential. Kiddie Prep School
may release the children’s records to the parent of the child in question.
A copy of the Indiana Rules for Licensing Child Care Centers handbook is
available to read in the Kiddie Prep
School office.
Kiddie Prep School participates in the Child and Adult Care Food Program. The following USDA Non-Discrimination Statement is a part of the CACFP regulations. “The U. S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all USDA programs and activities on the basis of race, color,
national origin, sex, age, or disability.” To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of
Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building,
14th and Independence Avenue, SW, Washington,
DC 20250-9410
or call (202)-720-5964 or (888)271-5983 Extension 516 (toll free). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. It is the policy of the Indiana Department of Education not to discriminate
on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability, in its programs, activities, or employment
policies as required by the Indiana Civil Rights Law (I. C. 22-9-1), Title VI and VII (Civil Rights Act of 1964), the Equal
Pay Act of 1973, Title IX (Educational Amendments), Section 504 (Rehabilitation Act of 1973), and the Americans with Disabilities
Act (42 USCS 12101, et. Seq.). Inquiries regarding compliance by the Indiana
Department of Education with Title IX and other civil rights laws may be directed to the Human Resources Director, Indiana
Department of Education, Room 229, State House, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-2798, or by telephone to (317)-232-6610,
or the Director of the Office for Civil Rights, U. S. Department of Education, 111 North Canal Street, Suite 1053, Chicago,
IL 60606-7204 – Dr. Suellen Reed, State Superintendent of Public Instruction.